
Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Portobello Market, Saturday

I haven't quite decided how I feel about Portobello Road Market. I made the mistake of going on a Saturday, two weeks in a row, and couldn't move an inch without stepping on someone, getting shoved, and then getting angry. You have to wait your turn to get near a vendors stall (the good ones at least), and once you do get there, the items are so overpriced and they will very rarely bargain with you.

Some of the shops are quite cute, however. I might even shop here, eventually, if I have any disposable income in the near future. Here's hoping, right. And if I one day I do happen to own a flat in Notting Hill, it will be one of these multi-coloured townhouses, because whats the point of living here if your house isn't a fluorescent shade of green?
And if I were furnishing my bright green Notting Hill flat with antiques - specifically tea pots and kettles, even though its not really my thing - I may shop for them here:
What a photogenic shop. Those mannequin ladies really caught my eye.
One antique shop worth stopping by at is Hirst Antiques: less antiquey, more jewellery, and lots of it. From every era and every price range. Bonus points: its open every day of the week. 
As far as the people go - its known worldwide as one of the best street markets, so you will find people from everywhere. And it seems like all the tourists in London at that very moment, just happen to be at this market on a Saturday. 
The style is pretty dull.  These girls are going for what I call 'east London hipsters trying to be west London posh' if only for the day. They've decided to raid their grandmothers closet and have found the perfect outfit to age them 40 years. Well done girls.

If your in the mood for channeling Hugh Grant circa his 'Notting Hill' years, you might want to check out The Travel Bookshop, which my friend informed me was a setting in the movie. How romantic. Who knew? Apparently all the girls pointing and shrieking at the entrance did. 

The shop was actually quite cute inside. All the travel books and guides inspired me to get the heck out of Portobello Market.

And so I did.  

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